




瑞穗的大橋是安全的. 瑞穗大橋是193县道穿过秀姑巒溪到達瑞穗的一座大橋。玉里大橋和高寮大橋都已經斷開,所以從池上到瑞穗都必然要經過瑞穗大橋。很幸運地是瑞穗大橋並沒有受到地震的破坏。

There are four supermarkets in Ruisui, and the “Zhengyi Supermarket” has dumped a lot of goods, and the employees are sorting them out. However, the “Farmers’ Association Supermarket” is completely closed for sorting, while the “Tongguan Supermarket” and the “Quanlian Welfare Center” are half-closed, but the employees are all sorting out. The supermarket is selling wine, and many bottles have been broken. Among them, the “Tongguan Supermarket” smelled strong alcohol after I entered.

The bridge in Ruisui is safe. The Ruisui Bridge is a bridge where the 193 county road crosses the Xiuguluan River to Ruisui. Both the Yuli Bridge and the Gaolio Bridge have been disconnected, so from Chishang to Ruisui, you must pass the Ruisui Bridge. Fortunately, the Ruisui Bridge was not damaged by the earthquake.

花蓮縣玉里鎮 松浦里 滿自然部落(tribe Mangcelan )附近的路面因地震擠壓,193縣道路面翹起了,與旁邊建築有20~120公分的落差。

The road surface near tribe Mangcelan, was squeezed by the earthquake, and the road surface was raised, with a drop of 20-120 cm from the buildings next to it.


花蓮縣玉里鎮 松浦里 滿自然部落(tribe Mangcelan )附近的路面因地震擠壓,柏油路面翹起了,與旁邊建築有20~120公分的落差。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkSpP9Lv9A The road surface near tribe Mangcelan, was squeezed by the earthquake, and the road surface was raised, with a drop of 20-120 cm from the buildings next to it.

2022年9月18日 臺灣東部臺東縣池上鄉發生6.8級地震,導致花蓮縣玉里鎮高寮大橋倒塌,造成一臺農用車和一臺摩托車落橋送醫。佐拉拍攝了約8分鐘空拍畫面顯示,橋面往北傾倒,橋墩斷裂,甚至有橋面翻轉扣在秀姑巒溪河床上。


The Gaoliao Bridge in Yuli Township, Hualien County is a bridge connecting County Road 193 and Taiwan Line 9 and crossing the Xiuguluan River. The bridge completely collapsed. Most of the bridge deck fell on the riverbed, and some were reversed. On the riverbed, most of the diverting part has been cracked. Through the blank screen, we can see that an agricultural vehicle and a motorcycle have fallen on the riverbed. News reports say that three people fell off the bridge and were sent to the hospital.

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